
yahoo auction japan stalking.a tshirt i designed that would fit hana.4 days left..


Hanna Päivikki said...

oooh. good luck!

marie said...

great! i want one!

Manda said...

oh gosh , beautiful have to have it for hannie xx (and who is so crazy to be selling it!)

Hanna Päivikki said...

melinda melinda. our exhibition opening is on saturday 24th 5 to 7pm! i hope you can come, would be nice to meet you before i leave japan!

have a nice weekend and hopefully some colder winds!

Studio Duermevela said...

it's amazing!
i love that t-shirt beautiful lines and colours...

melindatrees said...

thanks :-)
i didnt win it though.i kept getting outbid and gave up.i was kinda annoyed kinda flattered.