
we spent a big chunk of the weekend at

.koichi had a stall there along with lots of others offering fun things to make and do. great food like deep fried pizza (kinda like an italian samosa).hana and i had lots of fun others looked like they did too.look ☟


hiki said...

Ooooo, I was there too on Sunday morning! Had to leave in a hurry so I couldn't really enjoy enough though. The weather was perfect wasn't it, I love the rooftop!

Manda said...

looks like a lotta fun for 2 of my fave girls xoxoxoxoxox

melindatrees said...

yeah hiki, the weather was perfect wasnt it.wish it would stay like that, not get any hotter.i hope they continue with events like that on the roof :-)

momo said...

wow, wow! looks so much fun! I love the idea of ♥(アイ).

anna said...

that looks so great. the things all laid out neatly on the table and the big mess of paper stuck to the wall.

ashley said...

whoa love these photos, the paper on the wall and the spoons and things on the table