eating-yamagata cherries
planning-raspberry picking weekend in yamagata
missing-my mum
thinking-of taking hana to a homeopath as soon as possible
i should be planning the homeopath visit.
lili sent hana a wonderful package of inspiration and adornment and play and ♡
thankyou sweet too far away friends.
hana was sick all over me this morning.her eyes were so scared.i tried really hard not to cry too.she was fine as soon as.thankgoodness.
i hope the wind is cool this weekend.
i always take the homeopathic remedy "nux vomica" if i'm feeling like i could get the sort of sick where you feel nauseous... maybe this could help her (and if it's the wrong remedy, it won't do anything but won't hurt:))
i hope she will be better.
now i think about raspberries and all kinds of berries.
greetings and good winds to you.
gosh i hope hana pie is ok...homoeopath for her legs? can u find a (good) homeopath there? ...you need to be here in summer because im goiing to have berries coming out of my ears, fingers crossed x x big hugs to you two x i dreamt of you last night. xoxoxo
oh get weel soon little Hana!
it's really hard not to cry and look scared when a little one is sick. challenges of being a parent...
hi.thanks all.hana is fine now.i still do need to take her to someone somewhere.. but we are doing ok :-)
thinking it is mad to pay nearly $400 just to get to the raspberry farm and back.imagine how many raspberries i could buy for that. or plants..
$400! fruit loops. 5 plants for $10 which = hmm ....200 plants = your own raspberry farm :-O xxx
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