well hana is one year old. cant believe it is only a year ago that all was happening.feels like another life.guess it was in many ways.hana is so close to walking.yesterday was 3 steps, today was four. she is obviously happier on my hip but with all the rice she has been eating lately that cant happen for too much longer.she definately has her fathers genes when it comes to food.today she was licking the container that the pickled cucumbers came in.she was grunting for more rice balls and i even got her to eat lots of spinach which i dressed with ground sesame and shoyu.guess i better make some japanese mumma friends that can teach me to cook for a child.
hana wasnt so interested in party food.she did sneak a snake that her aunty so unkindly sent from australia, but as for my attempt at cupcakes.she ate the blueberries on top and thats about it.
i didnt take so many photos.the camera hasnt been hanging around me lately.lots of stuff is going on inside, perhaps i should swallow it.
im thinking about knitting again.havent done that since hana was born.the thing is with knitting is the japan australia opposite seasons thing.and when i am at a point of where and what the hell am i doing living here how can i knit for winter when it will be summer where i want to be.does that make sense.knitting is so optomistic.hana needs a cardigan and hey i guess she wont grow that fast no matter where i am.
other stuff...
mike mills will talk tonight at petcha kucha night.ive never met him, but i reallly like him.
last weeks typhoon brought my attention to the amount of chestnut trees we have in the park next to us.i was just looking forward to the gingko nuts in autumn but now i can look forward to chestnuts too.
i need a haircut really bad.
i found a great bakery near my house today where i bought cranberry bread, pear tart, custard and apple tart and a vegetable coroquette? sandwich.that was a great find.i love bread.much to my (japanese) husbands disgust each morning when he wonders where his breaksfast is.... do i laugh or cry.
yesterday i went to a wedding. i made my friends ring from paper.tiny hand cut circles pierced with a needle threaded on white linen thread.the cross sections of the paper were mostly grey but a few were pink yellow and silver.the couple are writers/editors.the groom squirmed to kiss the bride.her arms were wide open.she was wearing a red dress.his face was so red.he hesitated for far too long.i dont even know if it happened.hana cried.
a man told me hana has an aura of rainbow colours.she has a contract with god.the architect of the house said who is god.

lovely love love birthday flowers

the architect of the houses balloon arrangement (it is now our kitchen sculpture)

hana with snake

from left.hanas green face pouch (birthday present from same friend who made the little flower person in the same photo.my favourite and only tamari string ball which hana loves to roll under the sofa and then lie flat on her stomach squeeling for me to get it out from under there. a part of the many paperchain decorations i made for hana.the photo is me and my sister playing elastics many years ago.

a page of the book i made for hana.she loves the pigeons that live nextdoor.the print is a very messy gocco.