i dont remember the last time i saw rainbowS.
the sky really is so beautiful everyday.
all the fruit trees were in full bloom.
some early mornings i heard owls. most days i saw wrens.
this is the house i would buy if i lived in kyabram.not that its for sale.not that i probably would if it was.but i hope that changes.
i love that house! australian countryside in spring = magic.
hooray! you're back blogging!
real estate fantasies hey? i have those too.
okaeri :)
I have those real estate fantasies too. Dream about having wood fired oven, lots of fruits trees and veggie patch much bigger than what we have now.
It is lovely to see you here, Melinda. I hope you had a lovely time and setteling back in Tokyo nicely. talk soon.
that house is so cute!
Melinda! you were away for so long. i like all those last sentences. not so nice to see spring as the winter is just starting here. and it's supposed to the coldest winter in 1000 years. are there nice daycare places in tokyo i wonder.
the coldest winter in 1000 years.oh wow.how mnay hours a day is it light for?
as for daycare places...mm maybe, i suppose so.but is 5 days a week for kindergarten necessary..? how many days per week is it in finland?
keep warm,x
sunrise around 8, sunset 4:30, i think, i didn't check. the day will keep on getting shorter for one more month...
i guess it all depends on the needs of the family. V has been going 2-4 days a week, 4 days was the maximum just before little V was born when I had to get a lot of work done. now 2 days would be good for us. not too much driving to take her there and enough free days to do other stuff, visit friends, go to town. but there are kids who go every day from 7 to 18. they only sleep at home.
i just received some mail from tokyo.
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