

my book is finally finished.i illustrated (or tried to) many haiku.
the english title is-
i count to 3.

playing hide and seek i count to 3 and winter comes.

on a spring night i wonder which clock in the store tells the right time.

my friend told me there is a big gap betweeen the haiku and the illustration which for poetry i guess is a good thing.
there are 15 or 14 haiku in the book.


hannna said...

Good morning! I was going to ask! It looks beautiful. I will come back, now it's morning busy time; V woke up

Manda said...
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Manda said...

your book is out there....thats so cool. and your pictures are so beautiful .. i want to meet your bird with the acorn on its head. x

momo said...

I will ask my sister to get it and bring it next month! yes!

melindatrees said...

thanks manda and hanna.
your sister is coming momo? thats great.

kindra said...

congratulations on your new book! the illustrations look great.

hiki said...

these are such sweet illustrations, i want to show it to my little neice she'd love it!

and, i think you are who i thought you might be. i used to ride on the same nanboku line train some years ago for some time. i spotted you many times, i noticed you were reading a little japanese phrase book so i remembered. and later i saw you in some article which i can't remember, and thought "ah it's that lady from the train!" :) i read your profile and smiled again seeing the name of uni i went to in melb!

sorry for this long comment, and sorry if i sounded strange, please don't think i'm a freak... but i could not help telling you :p

melindatrees said...

hiki thats funny.maybe it was me.. i lived in motosumiyoshi and worked in shirokanedai so took that train! i hope i didnt push you to get a seat!

hiki said...

yes yes i'm pretty sure that was you! i was always getting on the very last carriage of the train, and i was working in roppongi-icchome which is a couple of stops after shirokanedai. isn't that funny!! you might have pushed me to get that seat, but even so you're forgiven as many years have passed since. (no i'm sure you didn't push me hehe)

anna said...

this looks beautiful!
i'll be in japan next month, you reckon i can just walk into any libro and find it?

melindatrees said...

hi anna.thanks. i dont think its easy to find.. but ive only been to used bookstores recently.(thankfully its not in them yet..)id give you one but i only have 2 left.thats great you get to visit tokyo again.are you staying long?

anna said...

about a week.
yes, i am really looking forward to it. looks like you are in australia these days, composting?

i might try cow books or somewhere like that? it looks beautiful!


melindatrees said...

you will see the blossom, if you go to cow books (my book definately wont be there :( , the meguro river will be beautiful, maybe even pink.and the compost, nope im not in australia, gakugeidaigaku.i live next to a big keeps me sane :-)