added to my morning ritual of folding futons and coffee making and nappy changing etcetc is sliding a door 30cm at around 9 ish to let the sun dance rainbows on the wooden beam and if im lucky warm my toes.
had a meeting today about new patterns and it went well.
i have a green light and i need to speed.i didnt realise that next week is the start of december.and my next meeting with developed ideas is the 2 of december.oh dear.and friends visiting tomorrow the next day and the day after.i really want to cancel partly because i have a problem with schedules and socialising but i know it is really better for me and hana not too. i am such a hermit. and the house really does need a clean.which saddens me that it takes someone to come over for me to really look at the renovating just because you are going to sell.maybe not.
i did buy hana some beautiful flowers today including some little berries as she has a fascination with all things round /small and favourite she says. i was feeling pink after the meeting. and hana is also liking playdough.