
link play

now im practicing posting a link.lets see..
nice new book about kitchens by kunel it has inspired me to keep mine clean and organised.

love cutting tops off strawberries.

flea market find on the weekend.sorry manda i went to two.they were at the local station!i got this temari ball made by the stall owner and these little cups.the cups are silver and hand formed but i cant remember the technique.i know it is from the edo period.anyway they glisten and they are beautiful and hana tried to pour her milk into them this morning.

a picture from noritake out of the new book made for his upcoming exhibition in tokyo with 3 other great illustrators.

manda i bought the book and im going to make this dress too.

wow links take so much fiddling.

1 comment:

Manda said...

when you work out how to sew the dress can you translate for me. i was "reading" the book today. and hoped i could stumble thru without words .
i found nani iro fabric at reprodepot. i am a shop a holic. i know.
i love that dress.
and i love your people print. i saw them in shibuya? lol... shinjuku? onigiri tenugui.....want some more easter eggs b4 easter? licorice?